Benefits of Mutual Exchange
- It can be quicker than other house move options
- It does not restrict you by location
- You can exchange as many times as you like during your tenancy
In order to move home under Mutual Exchange, both the tenants involved must have the permission to do so from their existing landlords and the tenant themselves must submit the application form. Landlords will grant an exchange provided that the following apply:
- That neither tenant has outstanding rent debts and that their rent balance is zero at the time of signing the deeds of exchange
- That neither tenant wants to move to a new property deemed to be too big or small for their circumstances (They are allowed to move to a property one size beyond their need, however they are made aware of the bedroom tax and must show how they will make up the shortfall before it would be allowed)
- That both tenants are currently secure tenants (council tenants) or assured tenants (housing association)
- That neither tenant is currently in the process of being evicted
- That the other tenant’s landlord is happy for the exchange to happen
- That you get your landlord’s permission in writing and there is no ongoing legal action relating to your current tenancy
There may be other conditions, depending on your type of tenancy.
If you are unsure about whether your are eligible for a Mutual Exchange then please contact us to see if you satisfy the criteria, as outlined here.
How Do I Find Someone to Swap With?
You will have to find another person to swap with, but don’t worry there are many ways that you can do this including home swapping groups on Facebook, advertising in local newspapers or in your local shops or by contacting your local council. You can also use the mutual exchange website HERE
What Happens When I find Someone To Swap With?
Once you have found someone to swap with you will need to contact us by contacting our Customer First team for a Mutual Exchange application form.
On receipt of this form an assessment will be made on whether you are eligible to make a mutual exchange. Once you have made your application the landlord must make a decision about it within 42 days. The exchange itself can take place after 42 days providing both parties have been approved for exchange.
For more information contact us on 0121 748 8100 to speak to a Neighbourhood Officer or email: contactus@cvch.org.uk
Submitting an Application
When you submit an application for mutual exchange you must provide evidence that you have lived in your current property for at least 12 months. This could be in the form of a utility bill, bank statement or equivalent official corespondence that has your full name and address on it. We will also need clear proof of identity such as a copy of your current, valid passport.
The application may be cancelled if there is insufficient evidence submitted in support of your application.
Once we have all the information we require, we will be able to inform you if there are any implications for your tenure, rent, bedroom tax and service charges.
If for any reason you need additional support and help to complete a Mutual Exchange application, please contact us and we will provide assistance and support tailored to your needs.
Please contact us if you wish to request an application form. Call 0121 748 8100.