We make sure we are complying with these laws by carrying out regular inspections and checks of your home and relevant shared spaces.
The checks that we complete include:
- Annual gas safety checks.
- Annual flat entrance door inspections – for buildings which are 11 metres or taller, and where we manage the building.
- Monthly, six monthly and yearly – lift maintenance and examinations.
- Annual renewable heating (planned preventative maintenance).
Checks that should be carried out every five years:
- Electrical installation inspections.
- Legionella assessment and periodic temperature checks (where applicable).
There are also fire safety checks which must be carried out, in particular:
- Fire risk assessments for each building.
- Duty to provide smoke and carbon monoxide alarms and replace them if you report them as faulty.
- Where homes that share an entrance with at least one other property, and which are managed by us, checks that linked fire alarms work properly at least once a year.
This information applies to all residents who have a long lease with us, or a shared ownership lease.
Whilst we still have a duty to carry out fire safety checks, the other duties and responsibilities of us, and you, are set out in the terms of the lease that you have with us. You may wish to seek independent advice where you are unsure on any of the terms.